

Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy, or therapy for short, is a meeting between you and I done either in person or by secure video where we focus on you and your goals. Every session is unique, and no two people have the same experience in therapy. Therapy must begin with an assessment of how you are feeling, acting and thinking as well as your goals so our first session is often called a “intake” or “assessment.” Then we make a treatment plan together including how often we will meet together, for how long (usually 55 min) and how we will know when our work is done.


Initial intake appointment: $225 (60 min)

55 min Psychotherapy session: $175

45 min Psychotherapy session: $150

Between session phone coaching: $25

Medical Insurance options: I am a IN NETWORK provider with



Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Partners

Insurance use requires you pay any co-pay, co-insurance and meet any deductible amount before your insurance will reimburse me for your care. You are able to use a HSA/FSA even if we don’t bill insurance. You will also need to meet criteria for a mental health disorder in order to qualify for reimbursement with most insurance companies.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a specific type of therapy focused on the negative belief systems we develop from life experiences. It uses the brains ability to heal in order to find positive beliefs the brain has not been able to believe to be true on its own. Eye movements or other left-right movements are used to activate the Adaptive Information Processing system in our brain. EMDR was first developed in the 1980’s and has been researched extensively since that time. Many clients come to me wanting to experience EMDR or having heard about the life changing results it has led to.

I am fully trained in EMDR, am a EMDRIA member and am working toward Certification in order to be as proficient as possible in this type of healing. Please click HERE to visit the EMDRIA website for more information.


Family Therapy

People were meant to live in communities, not as isolated beings. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist I am uniquely trained to treat not just individuals, but the relationships between them. Family therapy is done when multiple members of a family are present and the relationships between them are the focus of our work. At times it is appropriate for me to do both individual and family therapy with a client, but it really depends on the family. I often see adolescent’s alone and with their families given the importance of strong family relationships at this age and find this a very beneficial format to work with those between the ages of 13-21.

FYI: insurance requires family therapy to focus on one family member and for that family member to have a mental health diagnosis in order to qualify for reimbursement.

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